A térd játszása

Rossz hír: A MAGIC PILL = Új cipőm nem akadályozta meg a térdem bántását a mai rövid távon?

A térdem minden futás során még mindig fáj, tehát a hétvégén a „Ear” helyett a hétvégén „térd” című filmet fogom játszani. Nem akarom még rosszabbá tenni, ezért szeretném látni, milyen érzés pénteken, mielőtt eldöntenék, futok -e vagy sem.
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Az Arany -retriever nem fogja elvenni a tablettáit!

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0 másodperc 2 perc, 19 másodperc

Kedves partnerem a Pysch kórteremben: Memoir – könyv -áttekintés


A fájdalom az elmúlt héten nem kapott kevésbé. Ma végeztem néhány kutatást, és azt gyanítottam, hogy az ITB -szindróma.

A weboldal futtatásának időpontjától:

Tünetek: Kezdetben egy tompa fájdalom 1-2 kilométerre fut, és a fájdalom a futás időtartama alatt maradt. A fájdalom hamarosan eltűnik a futás abbahagyása után, később súlyos éles fájdalom, amely megakadályozza a futó fájdalmat a lejtőn történő futásnál, vagy a kúpos felületeken a fájdalom esetén felfelé vagy földszinten járhat.

Kezelés: Hagyja abba a futást, különösen súlyos fájdalom esetén, ha a fájdalom enyhe, majd csökkentse az edzési terhelést és az intenzitást, és kerülje a lefelé történő futást és a futófelületeket.
Vegyünk egy kurzust (5–7 nap) nem szteroid gyulladáscsökkentő gyógyszereket (ibuprofen/voltaren/cataflam/mobic), amely a háziorvos vagy gyógyszerész részéről.
Vigyen fel jégre a térdre (2 óránként 10 percig) a gyulladás csökkentése érdekében

Ezek nagyjából a tüneteim, és azt hiszem, hogy az oka alapvetően túlzottan használja a maratoni edzést. Mivel a fájdalom jelenleg nem túl rossz, de nem akarom, hogy ez még rosszabbá váljon, fontolgatom, hogy a futás elõtt elõtt, nem pedig a félmaraton után. Nem igazán edztem erre a versenyre, hanem csak feliratkoztam, mert elég jó állapotban voltam ahhoz, hogy befejezzem, és ez a tavalyi első maratonom jelenete?

Nagyon durva leszek, ha ki kell hajolnom, de jobban duzzad, ha hat hetet kell futtatnom a futáshoz, vagy valami hasonló!

Mielőtt ma reggel megpróbáltam futtatni, volt egy kis tál gabona. Aztán 3 mérföldet tettem a futópadon. A terv az volt, hogy 4 mérföldet tegyek, de a térdem körülbelül 1,5 mérföld körül fájt, és folyamatosan fáj. Nem álltam le azonnal, mert szerettem volna jól megérteni, hol van a fájdalom, és hogyan lehet leírni, hogy diagnosztizálhassam.

Izgattam a reggeli készítése közben … lásd a libát?

És ett egy banánt mandulavajjal is.

A reggeli Soyrizo volt, tortillaként használt csomagolással?

Nincs szükség villára – csak szakítson, megragad és eszik!

Most élvezem néhány cseresznyét blogolás közben. Lehet, hogy 2 nap alatt 2 font cseresznyét ettem.

És Emily -nek – igen, vásárolok egy nagy zsák Brüsszel -t a Costco -tól. Láttam őket a Farmer’s Market CA -ban, amikor ők is szezonban vannak. Megpróbáltam magam egyszer megfagyni őket (előkészítés), és annyira durva illatúak voltak, nem tudom, hogy működik-e.

Most vettem egy ibuprofént, és remélem, hogy ez segít a gyulladásban.

I don’t want to get all chicken little on you, but if I can’t run I do feel like “The sky is falling!!!”

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Folytassa ezekkel:

feeling ready vs. Being ready For Your Race

feeling ready vs. Being ready For Your Race

The numnber 1 thing to remember before your half marathon or full marathon. Last minute race training tip for

pain on top of Foot update for Runners

pain on top of Foot update for Runners

top of foot pain in runner. update on my foot injury and appointments. Urgent care x-ray results is it a stress fractureA titkos szakasz a szoros ütésekhez

A titkos szakasz a szoros ütésekhez

Hogyan lehet kinyújtani a hátrányait a futók számára. Titok a szűk hátrányok nyújtásához futás után. Lábfejtés

Meddig kell lennie a hosszú futásodnak és a legjobban futó film kérdéseknek és válaszoknak

Meddig kell lennie a hosszú futásodnak és a legjobban futó film kérdéseknek és válaszoknak

Meddig kell hosszú futásod egy félmaratonra? It Band Sydrome – Meddig szelted a futást? RRCA COA

AFC Half Marathon Race Refap és Photos

AFC Half Marathon Race Refap és Photos

Amerika legszebb városa (San Diego) félmaratoni verseny eredményei és összefoglalása. AFC félmaratoni fotók. Futás

Félmaraton 10 hetes edzési terv és versenycsomagolási lista és tippek

Félmaraton 10 hetes edzési terv és versenycsomagolási lista és tippek

Félmaratoni edzési terv. Ingyenes 10 hetes félmaratoni ütemterv futás és nyújtási napokkal. Versenynap csomagolási lista egy

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Won’t Power instead of will Power

I believe it’s weird that we phone call it “willpower” when it’s usually “won’t power” we are aiming for. It took all my “won’t power” today to keep myself from NOT buying Sao Paulo FC Mez a DD coffee! I had to tell myself I won’t buy one today. It takes a great deal of “won’t power” to prevent the office candy meal too.

I believe I am going to try as well as get the term “won’t power” to be the new thing ?
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Marathon training Day 3
Marathon training video diary – day 3. Running journal inspect in with Run eat Repeat

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0 seconds of 51 seconds

Maratoni edzés 4. napja


When I got house I did extremely well with the no kitchen area snacking as well as plated my snacks! I am impressed with myself ? I had toast with spreadable feta as well as a carrot. plus some crackers as well as cheese.

Then I took a short walk to chat with one of my peeps. I miss walking house already, however the drizzly weather condition the last few days made me extremely grateful for my car!

Dinner was my SS Lazio Mez very first attempt ever at quinoa!!! I made up the recipe as I went a long. I cooked up the quinoa in vegetable broth. Then, I made a sauce with olive oil, lemon juice, balsamic, maple syrup as well as spices. It was as well balsamic-y for my taste, however Ben stated it was great ?

Plus a piece of ww bread ?

Dessert has been on my mind all the time so I went with it…Vitatop as well as my new preferred tea. I am obsessed. as well as the champion of the 1001st publish provide away is…(drum roll please)…according to the random Number Generator

#5 Jenna from whole Body Love!

Jenna, send me your information ?

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Folytassa ezekkel:

impossible Teriyaki Bowls – Pre Race Recipe

impossible Teriyaki Bowls – Pre Race Recipe

impossible Burger Teriyaki Bowls recipe for Runners. Pre long run or Pre race dinner recipe before running half marathon

healthy hot chocolate in a sluggish Cooker as well as diy Toppings Bar

healthy hot chocolate in a sluggish Cooker as well as diy Toppings Bar

simple hot chocolate recipe for a group. healthy 2 component hot chocolate recipe for household or party. exactly how to make hot co

My Christmas desire listing 2021

My Christmas desire listing 2021

My holiday desire listing with links to what’s on sale Cyber Monday. Runner gift concepts for 2021 Christmas season

Air Fryer Banana Split Recipe

Air Crystal Palace FC Mez Fryer Banana Split Recipe

exactly how to make an Air Fryer Banana Split. Air Fryer Banana dessert recipe Tiktok as well as Instagram Reels. simple banana split

simple peppermint Bark Yogurt Dip Recipe

simple peppermint Bark Yogurt Dip Recipe

healthy peppermint Bark Yogurt Dip Recipe. try this simple as well as healthy dessert based on a holiday favorite! serve with fru

the very best AFFIRMATIONS for RUNNERS

the very best AFFIRMATIONS for RUNNERS

Here’s a listing of 51 positive Affirmations for Runners. I mentiezeket ma az Instagram -on folytatta, mivel lehet, hogy nem ismeri fel

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Weight Loss Wednesday– poor suggestions

Hello! This morning I stopped at the health and wellness food store for a few new protein powder options. I am still very in like with my preferred Spirutein Cherries Jubilee powder, however it has soy protein. I’m trying to cut back on soy because I discovered out I have a low T-3 thyroid (supposedly it may contribute).

So I chosen up a few private packets to try out before committing to an entire (very expensive) can. Jay Robb is the Brad Pitt Matt Damon of the blog world so I figured I ought to provide him a whirl first.
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Maratoni edzés 3. napja
Marathon training video diary – day 3. Running journal inspect in with Run eat Repeat

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0 másodperc 51 másodperc

Maratoni edzés 4. napja


Unfortunately, I got a bit crazy with the ice as well as water as well as it was very watered down. I believe if I made it with much better measurements it would be good. however let’s deal with it, anything’s great with cereal on top.

Today I have some Weight Loss Wednesday suggestions for you. Some are good, some are bad. figure out which is which if you want the scale to go down…

Quick Weight loss tips:

1. select foods that are truly difficult to open like tight bit pistachios or anything in one of those plastic shell containers that slice your finger poor sufficient to need stiches.

2. eat your food. Duh, right? I imply – eat your calories don’t drink them. I feel like I’m eating  a smoothie when I put it in a bowl as well as scoop it up (with a Yogurtland spoon).

3. If you have a appealing food in the home – like cereal or candy, eat everything so it’s gone as well as can’t tempt you any type of longer.

4. plan a beach vacation… it’s simpler to stay on track with a deadline, right?

And perhaps purchase a “goal” bathing fit as well as try it on after a truly huge meal as well as proceed to take pics of yourself in poor lighting?

5. Pretend like your food is truly really tasty so people try to take it.

6. get sufficient sleep.


7. paint your nails your preferred fro-yo flavor (TARO!) instead of eating it. reward points if this keeps you from biting your nails (it doesn’t work on me though).

8. disregard the indications at the zoo as well as feed the monkeys. much better them than me…


Ever gotten a truly poor weight loss or diet plan tip? Mi volt az?

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keep choosing these:

the very best of the natural products Expo Influencer favorites as well as healthy Food BINGO

the very best of the natural products Expo Influencer favorites as well as healthy Food BINGO

Helló! The natural products Expo (aka #ExpoWest on social media) was this weekend in Anaheim, CA. It’s a big conference

Weight Loss, Watermelon as well as weekend Updates with Diego

Weight Loss, Watermelon as well as weekend Updates with Diego

exactly how to like yourself while you enhance yourself. Body positivity while losing weight or going after a goal. suggestions on exactly how

exactly how To Make A much better bowl of Cereal- healthy breakfast Tips!

exactly how To Make A much better bowl of Cereal- healthy breakfast Tips!

exactly how to make a healthier bowl of cereal. Make a quick breakfast that’s great for you as well as keeps you full up until lunch with thKrikett chips-trikettfehérje chips videóban

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A tücskökből készült chipek. Egyél a Bugs Protein Chips áttekintését. Próbáltam krikett chipset, amelyet krikettfehérje porral készítettek – it ‘

A futás a legjobb módszer a fogyáshoz, de …

A futás a legjobb módszer a fogyáshoz, de …

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A legelső félmaratoni javaslatok és még sok más kérdés és válaszok áprilisától

A legelső félmaratoni javaslatok és még sok más kérdés és válaszok áprilisától

új aggodalmak és válaszok. A legelső félmaratoni javaslatok – utolsó pillanat a verseny előtt. A könyvekből és a MOV -ból származó preferált idézeteim

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The only Ab exercise I do… Confession Thursday.

I have a extremely essential concern for you…

Q: What is much better than new running shoes?
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Mit eszek egy nap alatt – Runner Edition
Mit ettem egy nap alatt. Élelmiszer -napló egy olyan futótól, amely jelenleg nem edz maratonra vagy félmaratonra. Reggeli, ebéd, vacsora, valamint snack, valamint tippek.

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0 másodperc 14 perc, 26 másodperc

Unorthodox könyv, valamint a Netflix értékelés


A: Nothing. abszolút semmi.


I got a special shipment from Mizuno this week as well as am running on sunshine  

The only Ab exercise I do…

Now it’s time for Confession Thursday… my lil method of sneaking into heaven by airing my filthy laundry on the internet!!!

1. I saw poor Grandpa the other night (that film with Johnie Knoxville) as well as truly liked it. Like, full on laughed.

2. in some cases I purposely go to church late so I don’t have to do that part where you talk to the people around you. It’s just uncomfortable for me, which is weird since I truly like satisfying new people under every other situation in the world.

3. I truly really dislike doing planks. as well as I had this bright concept to do a plank while listening to Tina’s What’s app messages. however because I told her that I hold a plank while I listen she keeps making her messages at least one minute long – this morning it was 1:30 as well as I was mad at her.

Luckily, I multi-task.

4. somebody explained that I’ve been drinking a great deal much more lately. Igen.

I’m not concerned about it though… so I don’t even though if that’s a confession as much as an acknowledgment/cheers!

5. I truly desired a Reese’s PB cup last night, however didn’t have any. So I melted some dark chocolate as well as PB together. I was good, however not the same.

Now you go!

Question: Let’s right here a confession from you!

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Folytassa ezekkel:

Instagram Live-Q & A session as well as other fun on the run!

Instagram Live-Q & A session as well as other fun on the run!

Helló! Mi újság? just wished to inspect in as well as state hi… hi! as well as update you on the latest running as well as eating going on

Why I Don’t Run on the Sand however You Do You

Why I Don’t Run on the Sand however You Do You

Running on the sand is great for you. There are benefits to running on soft sand at the beach however along keeping that a listing

dry Shampoo, Gut Health, Running in Canada as well as much more concerns from IG stories

dry Shampoo, Gut Health, Running in Canada as well as much more concerns from IG stories

Helló! I’m answering your concerns from Instagram on running, eating, charm as well as gut health and wellness – what a mix of topics we c

#2020Challenge on Instagram @RunEatRepeat

#2020Challenge on Instagram @RunEatRepeat

#2020Challenge on Instagram sharing photos of you in all the different stages of feels during the Covid19 pandemic. Fu

Running watch Bands, Old Navy workout gear as well as much more questions

Running watch Bands, Old Navy workout gear as weSokkal több kérdést készít

Válaszolok a @RuneatRepeat Instagram Story Box aggodalmaira! Futó témákat fedünk le, mint például a Preve Preve

valódi tippek az új barátok megszerzéséhez

valódi tippek az új barátok megszerzéséhez

Tippek az új haverok felnőttként történő elkészítéséhez. Pontosan hogyan lehet kielégíteni az új embereket, valamint a barátságokat a 20 -as években, valamint a 40 -es években. Futtassa az Eat Repeat Vid -t

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Tangent Tuesday–Ab hole

1st Food: considering that I ate a yogurt after running I thought lunch would be late. Well, I cooked this leek and egg wrap at 11:30am. Mit? I wake up before 5 so everything else is pushed up

Chomped on some carrots and hummus while cooking. tell me you chomp while cooking too…
A legfrissebb videóim

Marathon training Day 2
Marathon training journal day 2. RunEatRepeat.com

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0 seconds of 1 minute, 45 seconds

Before We Were Strangers Review


My  smart Snacking challenge is going okay. I ended up having some of those wheat thin things with PB after this because I was hungry (I even drank a jug o’ water with it).

2. I’ve made a decision to refer to my stomach button as an “ab hole” from now on – any individual with me? (Sorry I had to share another photo of my innie & outie stomach button ab hole.)

3. I don’t feel very fit ideal now. My running has hit a wall. I need to figure out my Race calendar for this year. I feel like I haven’t committed because I’m not confident and lost (there’s a lot of things up in the air at home) and scared.

I’m afraid of everything and one of my 2012 Resolutions was to BE FEARLESS.

So, I’m going to pick something scary to do Tonight.

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Folytassa ezeket a következőket:

What I Ate Today Food Diary – Marathon training Week 4

What I Ate Today Food Diary – Marathon training Week 4

What I eat in a Day. Food Diary Running blog training week 4. Breakfast, Lunch, dinner and snacks plus notes on

mental training Revelation for Runners

mental training Revelation for Runners

how to train your mind for running half marathon or full marathon. mental training for Runners and list of the best

Run Disney Race Day packing list complimentary printable pdf

Run Disney Race Day packing list complimentary printable pdf

complimentary Run Disney Race weekend packing List. Walt Disney world Marathon, Half, 10K and 5K race day packing list.

15 fast Pre Run Snack Ideas

15 fast Pre Run Snack Ideas

What to eat before you run and When to eat. 15 fast pre run snack ideas for new runners and training for a half marathon

What I Ate at Epcot After the white wine and Dine half Marathon

What I Ate at Epcot After the white wine and Dine half Marathon

What I ate during the Run Disney half Marathon Weekend. Food diary recap of my diet while traveling to half marathon run

beaches and cream Smoothie bowl Recipe

beaches and cream Smoothie bowl Recipe

Light Smoothie in a bowl recipe protein packed with yogurt, peaches, milk and spinach. green smoothie bowl

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6 Month wardrobe clean Out

just inspecting in, how’s it going? My deal with feels totally congested however my body had energy so I cleaned the house. around 1:30p I walked to train for a tuna to split with Ben.

Ben’s trying out a MMA fitness center as well as came house exhausted. So the men took a nap while I hit up Costco. vegas discovers the very best locations to relax.
MY newest VIDEOS

Marathon training Day 3
Marathon training Day 3

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0 seconds of 51 seconds

Learning from a poor Run


The “take as well as bake” pizzas were $3.00 off so I couldn’t walk away from that deal. But, the sale was only on the pepperoni so I just moved half of them to Ben’s side.

Nothing like freshly baked pizza…

With a side of Daytime syrup junk

I ate two slices with a huge salad. We ate in front of the TV – we never do that unless we’re alone! When we’re together we eat at the table.

Now onto the wardrobe clean Up!

It’s no trick that I don’t understand exactly how to dress…

It’s likewise no trick that I’m not the neatest woman around. I  blame 20% of my lacking fashion sense on my untidy wardrobe (the other 80% is lack of caring). I tend to keep my favorites in one part of the wardrobe as well as truly only reach for those. But, I still have a wardrobe full of stuff I haven’t used in over a year!

I just recently heard of a bit technique that I’m going to try –

The 6 month painless wardrobe clean out

1. flip all your hangers to deal with the other way.

2. When you wear something put it back “the best way” on the rack.

3. In 6 months donate anything that is on a hanger dealing with out. You can make exceptions for seasonal or special event clothes, however the point is to clean out things you don’t use!

This method you don’t have to go with each piece of garments trying to persuade yourself you have used it or are going to wear it soon. saves time as well as keeps ya honest.

Anyone want to try the 6 month wardrobe clean out with me?

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Kiválasztja ezeket:

5 lower Body exercises for Runners

5 lower Body exercises for Runners

lower Body house workout for Runners. No devices needed. 5 exercises for running faster, stronger as well as better. quick wor

Running Hack to stay healthy & NOT Touch Your deal with during COVID19 outbreak

Running Hack to stay healthy & NOT Touch Your deal with during COVID19 outbreak

If you’re running or walking outside during the coronavirus break out – here’s a suggestion to assist keep you healthy as well as prevent t

Running with a Mask suggestions as seen on Dr. Oz

Running with a Mask suggestions as seen on Dr. Oz

deal with Mask for Runners suggestions seen on the Dr. Oz show 2021. Running with a Mask rules from Run eat Repeat.

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Keresse meg a maszkot a futáshoz vagy a kint sétálásához a koronavírus kitörése során. Útmutató a CDC maszkjának használatához. Javaslatok a BE

Táplálkozás a futók számára – Futás alakban nehézségi 5. hét

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Mi a legjobb étkezési terv a futók számára? Táplálkozási javaslatok a futók számára. Makrók futáshoz, étkezési tervezési javaslatok, valamint szénhidrátok

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Confession… Quarantine edition (week 1)

Confession day… blog publish series where I share the things I’ve done or believed this week that I feel a lil guilty about. as well as in the present Coronavirus Social Distancing circumstance – I can’t go to confession at church (not that I’ve went since most likely 12th grade?). So I requirement you to checked out this as well as reassure me that all is forgiven. K. Thanks.

Confession – Coronavirus Quarantine edition Week 1

Updated to add: I wrote this before California governor announced the ‘stay at home’ order throughout the specify yesterday.

(This blog publish series utilized to be on Thursdays, however any type of day is a great day to confess, right?)

I mention something I bought on Amazon however provided the truth that I bought toilet paper last week as well as the shipment has been delayed due to ”weather or natural disaster” – I don’t understand when/if I’ll really get it.

I’ve heard Amazon is prioritizing important products for shipment as well as toilet paper should be on that light, right?

Egyébként is.

My point is – I don’t have toilet paper. as well as I don’t understand if I’ll get the other product I bought yesterday.

I feel the requirement to put ‘week 1’ in the title as there may be a great deal of confessions to come if the social distancing circumstance stays in location for a long time. I hope not though…

Okay, back to the confessions…

>> I was wrong about living at AirBnBs (or similar rentals) as I looked for a new place.

Looking for short term rentals as I’m searching for a long term location to buy or rent takes a great deal longer as well as is a great deal more costly than I realized.

Living out of my suitcase while looking for a new condo / apartment / location to online – is NOT as fun as well as simple as I believed it’d be. looking for a location on AirBnB, VRBO or even genuine estate listings takes A great deal of time.

I’ve booked locations for 2 to 5 weeks at a time. as well as as a stay gets close to the end I begin looking for the next (local) area I’d like to inspect out for a while (this is in an effort to get to understand neighborhoods to see where I’d like to buy or rent long term).

Well, looking for a location that’s in the area, cost range, runner friendly, accepts pets, risk-free as well as offered for the dates I want it – takes days. I’ve spent a number of hours each day browsing all the vacation as well as rental sites when it’s time for my next temporary move.

A great deal of locations don’t take dogs, don’t have at least a couple of weeks available, are method as well expensive, aren’t in a risk-free location… so I have to keep adjusting my browse area, price, dates, etc… in really hopes of booking something.

>> I still like minimalism however I like maximalism when it comes to food as well as toilet paper. 

The minimalist life is great! except it’s not perfect when there’s a around the world pandemic as well as orders to quarantine yourself at home. I utilized to have a completely stocked pantry as well as plenty of additional emergency products as well as toiletries. however living with less means I got rid of so much of those things I kept on hand ‘just in case’.

>> I don’t have a bed, however I just gotten a treadmill…

I’m moving into my parents’ studio apartment casita. When I moved out of my condo I donated or gave away all my furniture. as well as I’ve been staying furnished locations so it’s not a thing. however now that I’m moving into a longer term location – I requirement a bed.

And in my defense – I did stop at IKEA to look at them yesterday. however I was turned away since of the COVID19 situation.

So I did what any type of red-blooded redheaded Mexican marathon runner would do… I went house as well as bought a treadmill.

I heard that there may be a ‘shelter in place’ order as well as I got scared that I wouldn’t be able to run. So I bought a treadmill as well as went looking for my air mattress to utilize as a bed for now.

Priorities, right?

>> I’ve never verified an appt in my life. 

When I have a dentist appointment, the office phone calls as well as texts me to verify a week before the arranged time. Then, they phone call as well as text once again a few days before as well as the day before. The messages ask me to respond to verify the appointment. I never confirm. I don’t understand why, I just can’t.

I feel like if I verify something will come up as well as I’ll miss the visit as well as then – not only did I miss the appointment, however now I’m likewise a liar since I verified it!!

So I just don’t respond at all.

But now with the Coronavirus social distancing circumstance I’m believing my upcoming visit is going to be cancelled as well as all I can believe about is whether or not they’re going to message me to cancel or if it’s still scheduled.

Note: One time one of the receptionists full on asked me why I didn’t respond at all to any type of of the messages… I utilized to go every month when I was doing Invisalign. I assumption they were getting annoyed by my lack of response month after month. That’s why I even understand it was an problem – before her comment I just believed it was simple breezy as well as nobody cared.

>> I gotten a 500 piece puzzle.

Apparently I was feeling extremely ambitious about my puzzle making capabilities and/or believed I’d get bored extremely quick with the quarantine. So I ducked into Marshall’s to discover some board games to play with my family. The only thing they had was a 500 piece puzzle.

Note: I’ve never put together a puzzle myself. The concept kinda got in my head since my friend’s mom got a puzzle for Christmas as well as we started it since she wasn’t super into it.

So when I saw the puzzle at Marshall’s as well as realized it was my only choice – I gotten it! as well as now I truly requirement to put it together because

a. I’m genuinely curious exactly how difficult it is

b. I believe it would be a great exercise for my brain (which usually only thinks about running & eating)

c. I have nothing else to do as I can’t even sleep during the quarantine since I DON’T have A BED.

Now you go… What’s your confession of the day??

Kérjük, vigyázzon magára. Biztonságosan. Bátornak lenni.

Keep going with These:

Coronavirus for Runners – What you requirement to know

What to do if your race is cancelled due to Coronavirus 

Open book by Jessica Simpson audio book review 

How to get started with intuitive eating podcast 25

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for the latest running, eating as well as random updates!

This publish is from RunEatRepeat.com – all rights reserved.

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Cheat Day Saturday

Ben has been working out much more as well as did a great workout today so he suggested pizza as well as wings for dinner. far be it for me to turn down pizza so I agreed ? however – we chose that Saturday will be our “Cheat Day” however the rest of the week we will stay with our healthy eating plan.

Since he was much more about the wings than the pizza, he was fine with us splitting a veggie pizza. Igen! I believe veggie pizza is one of my preferred foods. I heated up some broccoli on the side to sluggish me down a bit ?
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My beautiful other half in the Pysch Ward: A Memoir – book Review
My beautiful other half in the Pysch Ward : A Memoir
by mark Lukach

Audio book evaluation of the very best selling memoir released 2017.

Is it a great listen?
I’m sharing a quick evaluation of the book offered on Audible.

From Amazon:

A heart-wrenching yet hopeful memoir of a young marriage that is redefined by mental disease as well as affirms the power of love.

Mark as well as Giulia’s life together began as a fairy-tale romance. They fell in like at eighteen, got married at twenty-four, as well as started their dream life in San Francisco soon after. however when Giulia was twenty-seven, she experienced a frightening as well as unforeseen psychotic break that landed her in the psych ward for almost a month. someday she was dynamic as well as well adjusted; the next, she was delusional as well as suicidal, persuaded that her liked ones were not safe.

What book or podcast are you listening to now??

What ought to I listen to next?!

Links to the book as well as other evaluations are on RunEatRepeat.com

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0 seconds of 5 minutes, 31 seconds

4 minute lower Body workout for Runners


When we got house from the shopping center I had a bundle waiting on me. It was a care bundle from my good friend Lisa!!! Ahhh! thanks Lisa ? She sent me Trader Joe’s goodness.

I promptly dug into this box because I’d never tried this before… I cannot get sufficient dark chocolate. say thanks to you Lisa, this completely brightened my day ?

Yum! When I got house from the shopping center I likewise had an apple

and a banana with PB. It’s so weird, however I have been craving bananas with PB everyday this week?!?! one of the reasons may be since I typically eat bananas with PB for breakfast in some type practically everyday.

And in spite of the truth that somebody explained (in the anonymous questions) today that I eat a great deal of sugar, I ended the day with two Chickpea Blondies. I am saving the last two for my mother ?

Anonymous Question…

Question: Do you ever get pressure from household members to stray from your healthy eating habits? I get comments from my household about “having a salad AGAIN” as well as my mother gets upset if I don’t want a cookie or something else she has just made in favor of healthier food. Megőrjít…

Monica: Not really. I’m lucky to have people around me that understand much better than to provide me crap about what I eat ? Ha, kinda kidding – however I ended up being vegetarian directly out of high school, so they’re utilized to it.  My sibling teases me about my “healthy crap”, however that’s not a huge deal.

I do nevertheless get mad when I want to indulge as well as everybody makes a huge offer about it –  “Oh, Monica’s eating X…” or “Monica’s on a diet…”

Um, leave me alone.

After time I believe people get utilized to your eating practices as well as the pressure will stop. Some people utilized to provide me a difficult time about not eating meat, however now it’s just part of the deal.

I believe you have to determine the reasons why somebody is pushing food on you. When it concerns moms, numerous times they are just trying to take care of you – as well as they will keep trying to take care of you since it’s their task (which comes from a great place).

I would suggest taking the food she provides in some cases as well as expressing exactly how much you appreciate it or letting her assist make you a healthy meal that you’ll delight in ? I believe the essential is to make sure your mother (or hostess) feels like she is taking care of your needs.

Question: What do you utilize on your hair?  It’s always so shiny as well as quite looking!

Monica: This is really truly embarrassing since I commonly just utilize whatever’s on sale. currently I am utilizing Costco shampoo as well as conditioner since now that Ben has long hair, he utilizes whatever’s in the shower (even if it’s expensive!).

I credit rating shiny hair to what I eat. I eat a great deal of fruits, , whole grains as well as fats. I am commonly questioned about where I get so much energy as well as I credit rating the food I eat too.

This photo of me is Ben’s preferred as well as he always talks about my shiny hair in it. In the background is the Hoover Dam – it was taken on the method to the Grand Canyon on oUr hírhedt harmadik dátum?

*************************************************** **************************

Igen, ma már ezt a mai napon üvegeztem, amikor megvitattam, hogy vasárnap szerdán megyek Kaliforniába. Amellett, hogy akkor ismét elmegyek a hónap végén, miután egy gyors megállást végeztek Vegasban !!! – Kalifornia itt jövök …

KÉRDÉS: Van -e csaló napja, vagy csak a kényeztetéseket teszed az életedben?

Én: A hét folyamán számos kezem van, és számos kezem van, tehát azt hiszem, hogy ez a csaló nap nagyon soknak tűnik. Különösen szeretem ezt a Ben -t, és én is pontosan ugyanazon az oldalon vagyok vele, így nem javasolja a kényeztető ételeket más véletlenszerű napokon. Pontosan látni fogjuk, hogyan működik ez.

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Social Media Week as well as French Fries

Hello! I went to social network Week in Los Angeles for my presentation Friday afternoon. I was anxious however it went well (I think).

It threw me off a bit that my session was outside. It was gorgeous day! But, a bit distracting seeing people walking in the car parking great deal behind the audience.
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Maratoni edzés 4. napja
Marathon training diary Day 4 inspect in

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0 másodperc 1 perc, 21 másodperc

Covid 19 Antibody Test


Oh as well as seconds before my time to go I spilled water around my laptop – luckily it was in my handy dandy neoprene cover. Tyűha! Life saver!

The night before I went to girl’s night at the Spectrum. I needed this…

and I have been craving french fries for weeks! Craving lastly satisfied! They were so good. I have desired fries for the longest time however hadn’t went to a location with them. Hit.the.spot.

And since we wished to go huge we ended the night with cupcakes. I tried the gluten free Red Velvet. It was tasty of course!

This morning I did a semi-long run. one more gorgeous day out! So, I should get available as well as do something… I’ll see you later

Question: What was the very best thing you ate this weekend?
I’m going with the French Fries. Seriously I have desired fries for the longest time however hadn’t went to a restaurant with them in a while.

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Panama Ruined My Life

Hello! I took an additional day off of running yesterday, however today was a cross training day (according to my new schedule). I chose to hit up KB with my fave instructor.

First, I ate breakfast. Can’t choose between yogurt as well as eggs? Make a yogurt bowl for your dining partner as well as take a few bites. I do this often. perhaps daily. talán
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Marathon training Day 2
Marathon training journal day 2. RunEatRepeat.com

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0 seconds of 1 minute, 45 seconds

Covid 19 Antibody Test


Then, make eggs for yourself. I certainly couldn’t choose between pumpkin butter or strawberry jam either. So, I utilized both.

Then, I went to KB as well as had one client. keep in mind my Panama parasite from the week before last? Well, I threw away my water bottle since I believed it was infected with germs. now I’m utilizing this one, however truly requirement a long term replacement!

Now, I have to tell you a truly unfortunate story…

In addition to the Panamamanian flu, the week I was gone I was invited to satisfy my woman crush Kara Goucher!!! (That trip expense me huge TIME!) She was in LA for the LA half marathon as well as is working with Nutrilite on vitamin supplements.

I like you Kara.

It’s most likely for the very best that I couldn’t go as I would have sat best next to her as well as dominated the conversation with concerns about running as well as exactly how she’s so awesome.

(Source: SkinnyRunner)

The business sent me some Amway’s Nutrilite twist tubes to try. It’s a dietary supplement you pour into 16oz. vízből. Each tube has 2 servings of fruits as well as veggies. It’s essentially a ton of Vitaman C as well as Vitamin A.

I was expecting a gross vitamin-y taste, however it was surprisingly good! I eat much more than sufficient fruits as well as veggies already, however I like altering up my water so I would utilize it for a flavor choice much more than the nutrition aspect.

Question: who is your woman crush?

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